Friday, October 23, 2009


Do you remember that game?!  Zap!  Here are the rules:

A friend will write ZAP! on  your hand with a time on it as well.  Example: ZAP! 5:27pm

On the inside of your palm they write what you MUST do if you happen to read it before the time they wrote on the other side of your hand.  Example:  give Jayden a hug (NOT something you would want to do of course...). 

If you look at the 'dare' on the inside of your hand before the said time, you have to do what it says.  Pretty tough game huh? 

My students have been playing this game like cRaZy this week!  I completely forgot about this game until they reminded me of the rules.  Do you remember playing this?  Glad to know it is still around :)

In other school news I was voted as a 'Most Wanted' teacher in another class.  I had to get my 'Mug Shot' taken and everything.  I felt pretty cool. 


Mary Pugh said...

Way to go Emily! Sounds like your students love you. That is so fun.

Niederfam said...

Dang I must be too old, I don't recall that game, but please tell me that MASH is still alive and well.

As for the Most Wanted, I knew it!!!! You are AWESOME and they are LUCKY to have you, pierced ears and all!!! ;)