Thursday, November 1, 2012

Carving Pumpkins

There's nothing like waiting until the LAST minute, but Elise and I were finally able to carve/paint our pumpkins on Halloween!!  I got it all set up and Elise got really excited when she saw what was in store!  I quickly devised a painting smock out of a trash bag for her to wear so she wouldn't ruin her clothes and, of course, some still got on her shirt- but that's okay! 
Elise is a very focused and attentive girl when she wants to be!  Activities like coloring and painting she wants it to be perfect :)  She had a really fun time with her pumpkin!
Mom and Elise saying "cheese" to the camera!
I don't know if you can see it very well, but I carved an owl into my pumpkin!  Elise was really excited when I lit mine and put it out on the front porch. She kept trying to go out and look at it, it was really cute!  We had a great time and I see many more carving nights in our future!

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