Sunday, November 4, 2012

Trick or Treat!

Every year the medical school lets all the kids come trick or treating!  It's great :)  All the offices on every floor decorate and make the school look very fun and spooky!  It's lots of fun to go and follow the footsteps on all the floors to find the different places to go!  There is lots of yummy candy to have and the best part is- I don't have to be outside in the cold!  It's a pretty great set up if you ask me! 

When we got ready to go I tried to get Elise to wear her costume (Minnie Mouse) and she would have NOTHING to do with it!!  I was so sad!  Nothing I could do would convince her to wear it :(  I even brought out another costume I found the week before for next year and she still didn't want it!!  So she finally let me at least have her wear her Halloween pajamas!  I guess that's better than nothing, right? 
We were joined by our friend Angie and her cute girl Kennedy- who Elise calls "Kee", it's pretty cute!  She made a pretty cute little witch!
We got there on the latter end of the trick or treating hours and I'm pretty sure we were some of the last people to come around to the offices!  Everyone kept telling them to take lots- more than one!  So much for teaching her to just take one from everyone! She did get good at saying "trick or treat" and "thank you", so I'll take it!
We were lucky enough to have Zack get a little break from studying so he could come with us!  It was a fun treat to get to see Daddy for a little bit during the day!  After you trick or treat they have even more treats and juice and games to play down in the cafeteria- we had a great time!  Can't wait until next year!! 


Shantel said...

How fun! She is so darling and it looks like she made a haul!

Jewls said...

Those jammies are so cute! She needs to rub off on Z a little...I can't get him OUT of his costume!!

Wendy said...

That's so funny! Welcome to the stubborn stage :). She was darling in her Halloween jammies though and I can't believe how old she looks now!

emily said...

so cute. you're good to not have forced her to wear something. it probably made it for a much better evening. . . :) she looked adorable anywho.