Saturday, September 17, 2011

On the Move!

She scoots, she's cute, she crawls!  At least she is getting there.  These are some videos (mainly for my family far far away) of Elise figuring out how to crawl.  She has perfected the scoot and can crawl but doesn't do it all the time.  She takes one or two then switches to scooting again.  Either way, it is so cute to see her learn something new and how proud of herself she is when she has made it somewhere new all by herself!  This top video is of her starting to crawl, the second is her scooting around.  Enjoy our cute girl :)


emily said...

awwww, she is really cute. and look at all her brown, beautiful hair. i love it.

it's exciting, for sure, to have a crawling baby. but, watch out! it's a whole new game of chasing babes around. :) fun times.

rachel said...

Aggh!!! We miss her so much. And I really feel like her hair is darker. And as I was telling Zack yesterday... she is HUGE!!!

Mary Pugh said...

She is so adorable! If Lucy were old enough to understand jealousy she might be a little jealous to see that her cousin who is 1 year YOUNGER than her is crawling before her! I can't wait for these two cute girls to be friends! Yeah for girl cousins!

Niederfam said...

darling, and trust me one day SOON you'll wonder why you were SOOOOO excited to have her crawl, she'll be into EVERYTHING. but it is exciting none the less. she is ABSOLUTELY the cutest little thing.