As I drove through the beautiful green canyon my mind was flooded with all of my memories at Utah State. I loved it up there and am so proud to be an Aggie!!
The other day I was grocery shopping in Provo at Smith's in my Utah State Game Day shirt. As I was checking out my groceries, a girl behind me asked if I went there and if I liked it. I quickly answered with a "YES!". I answered a few of her questions and I hope I helped.
After this I thought for a bit about my answer not because I didn't agree with my answer but I thought about why I loved my 'college experience' so much. For me this experience wasn't about getting straight A's (good thing, I CLEARLY did not), pulling all nighters, or having your second home being the library (although for me it was, I worked there and LOVED it). It is not about your major, True Aggie Nights, what sorority you were in, if you were at the bonfire on Saturday, or the slip in slide you had in your apartment. It didn't matter that we had the worst football team in the nation or that we had a WAC champion basketball team. It wasn't about the fun restaurants in Logan like Old Grist Mill, Cafe Sabor, Charlies, Logan Burgers and Subs, Juniper Take-Out or many others. It wasn't about all the dates I did or did not have on Friday night. Of if I was invited to the 'cool kids' party or not, or the days I fell asleep on the quad.
My college experience was not about having all of these experiences, but the person I am because of them. Thanks to every roommate I had ( I counted them up, I had over 35 or them, thanks Kappa Delta Sorority house!), every class I attended, all the professors that tried to help me, all the late nights spent talking and eating. I wouldn't trade in a minute of it!

That makes me want to go up and visit my memories up at Utah State. Go Aggies!! I loved it up there and every time we drive into the valley I get sentimental. Seriously how could you not love Logan. =0) I have made that drive a million times to, and there were a few times I wish I had tooth picks for my eyes. Crazy times! Congrats on graduation. I can't believe you and Holly could be old enough to be graduated. Where does that put me! Ahhhh! You and Holly will be great teachers, best of luck. =0)
Oh Emily, I almost got a little teary eyed reading this post! I loved USU soo much, and I agree with everything you put in there! :) Aren't you so freakin' glad you were able to have that experience, I surely am! :)
What a neat post! Those pictures are beautiful!!!!!
Oh I am going to miss those drives when we move down that way!! I love Logan, it's the best!
Ah good ole USU, so much fun and I was only there full time for a year! Miss that place still... Nothing will ever beat slip n slide in your apt! Thanks for being my first and only roommate girlie ha I just realized other than Garrett, you're the only roommate I've ever had! Oh and I'm glad you graduated a True Aggie, too bad Lacy and Janae can't say the same! ;)
go aggies go aggies hey hey hey! i am proud to be an aggie too!
Oh my gosh, what a tear jerker! I miss Logan and Utah State so much!!! SLS FOR LIFE! (Best job on campus.)
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