-This week my pregnancy made it to full term! I took that picture this morning at 37 weeks and 3 days. At my doctors appointment this week there still isn't much going on; I haven't dilated at all. This is fine since Zack tells me I'm not allowed to have the baby until he is done with all of his finals on Monday. I'm pretty sure we can keep that promise!
-We had some absolutely beautiful weather this week and LOTS of playing outside. Elise was in heaven and I loved watching her enjoy every moment. I'm even starting to get a flip flop tan line from all the time I've spent out there!
-My phone is up for an upgrade finally! The frustrating part of this is that phones are expensive! Since when I got a cell phone my senior year of high school I've always upgraded to the newer "free" phone the company offers. Well, most cell phone companies don't really offer a free phone anymore, so I have to pick a new nice phone. It seems like my options are an iphone for around $550 or their crappy bottom of the line phone for about $90 and there really aren't any "middle of the road" phones to pick. Boo! This cheapskate just can't justify spending that much on a phone.
-I finished reading The Lovely Bones for my book club this week. I really didn't like it. I just couldn't imagine something like that happening to me and how awful it would have been! The book has gotten a lot of acclaim and was even made into a movie a few years ago, but it just wasn't my taste. I'm happy it's over and done with :)
-I think I'm the luckiest girl in the world because I get to play with this girl all day long!
You look so cute! Can't bekieve how soon your little guy will be here! And I read the lovely bones too a few years ago because I heard how good it was and I absolutely hated it! Glad I'm not the only one. :)
I ended up buying a phone off Amazon. It was TONS cheaper and it has worked out really well so far! :)
you're looking fab. :) good luck with your final few weeks! oh, and i never dilate until hours before i deliver, so don't be too bummed if nothing happens.
elise is such a cutie. i'm glad you love playing with her. you're both lucky to have each other.
I love beautiful weather! I'm glad you guys are enjoying it. Also, the phone thing. I totally understand. It's such a hard thing to decide about. Affordable(not free) lame phone or really expensive nice phone... blah.
LOVE the tub photo! so excited for your little guy to come. I remember trying to read the Lovely Bones when it first came out and it creeped me out to no end so I couldn't even finish it! SO glad you are done! In need of a happy book? Have you read the Guernsey literary and potato peel pie society?
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