Friday, January 25, 2013

22.2 Weeks

Currently, I am 22 weeks and 2 days pregnant.I remember doing a post when I was pregnant with Elise at 23 weeks so I thought it would be fun to compare belly's and finally put up a belly picture!  I think I am a tad bit bigger with this baby, which is to be expected!  It is my second pregnancy so my belly is easier to stretch out, and it's a boy, so I'm going to guess that he will be bigger than his sister!  What do you think?
    I had Zack take the picture and as soon as Elise saw the camera she came over by me and got her "cheese" face on.  She is so cute, I love that little girl!

Since it's Friday, I'll give you 4 more things from our week!

-We've had some EXTREMELY cold weather lately (and I know it's not just us!). We've had temperatures that were 4 degrees as the high of the day!  It's starting to warm up so I hope we are back to regular cold winter and not this arctic air!  It keeps killing my car battery, so I need it to warm up!

-We were invited over last night to play Bang! with some of our neighbors.  I had never played it before but we had a fun time!  I was killed first but through a card drawn I was able to come back to life and win the game!  

-I've signed up to take a serger class on the website  I've been a slacker and have slowly but surely getting all my supplies ready to get started!  If my car will start one of these days I'll get all my fabric and finally get going!  Sorry Erin that I'm so slow!

-I found the recipe for Cheddar Chicken Bacon Ranch Pasta on pinterest and decided to give it a go!  It was a success!!  It was a very simple dinner to prepare, and also delicious.  If you need a quick meal to make- do this one!


  1. don't apologize at all. i did get all my stuff and started the first lesson, but got so intimidated (AGAIN!) that i had to take a break. haha. such a baby i am.

    also: you look super good. :)

  2. i always enjoy reading about the big and little things going on in your life.

    you are looking great!

  3. You look great! I am much bigger this time, and I don't have the excuse that it's a boy!

  4. Congrats and good luck with the boy! I keep watching all the little girls of similar age to Desmond and boy are they different! It's fun to see what you're up to. Glad you are doing well. Thanks for keeping up the blog.
