Monday, August 15, 2011

Our New Home

I know I said that I lost my camera. That much is true!  Fortunately, my in-laws are here now and they brought theirs so I can update this post with a few pictures of our new home!

It took a week of settling in but we finally have turned our house into a home!  I'm so incredibly grateful to my parents and Zack's parents for all of the help they gave to us to hang pictures, put things away, wash clothes and even dishes!  A huge shout out to my mother for the many things she made to hang in our home that make it look so incredible.  Mom, you never cease to amaze me!

Elise's room is my favorite in the whole house!  I go in there all the time and just look around at it, really!  It is all shabby chic- nothing matches exactly but it is all pink and green.  I couldn't love it more.  My Mom made so many things for the apartment including the curtains (with blackout fabric lining) as well as re-covering the ottoman to my rocker and she made the pillow for the rocker as well. She also made the darling quilt hanging on the wall.  This room is so sweet and pretty, just like our Elise.
I really like our room as well. It is the biggest bedroom we have ever had as a married couple and the best part is that all of our clothes fit in our closets!  It is a miracle!  The funny thing about our room is that the wall above our bed is all brick or plaster so you can't nail anything into it!  So that is why that wall looks so bare!  I bought command strips but it says on the back to not hang things above beds, so I decided to heed that warning!
Next is the kitchen!  I certainly don't have as much counter space or appliances that are as nice as our last place, but this kitchen had great cupboards!  I was able to fit all of our dishes and appliances in them and I even had a drawer that would hold a utensil holder.  Why my last apartment only had drawers that were 3.5 inches wide is beyond me.... My mother of course made the darling valance for the kitchen and even helped to purchase the cute decorations above my fridge.  I was fine with putting the cereal up there but she told me no!  We have to make it cute she said :)  I love her.
I was excited that this is the first apartment we have lived in to not have stark white walls!  All the rooms have a nice neutral beige color- except for the bathroom!  The bathroom is a pretty red color!  I saw that in the pictures the landlord sent me in Utah.  I knew our current bathroom linens and shower curtain wouldn't match so I got this one to use!  I think the bathroom looks cute, even if it is small.
The last room is our dining room and family room.   We were able to fit a lot of stuff into this large room and we even were able to fit the couch up!  We thought we were going to have to sell it or saw it in half (literally).  Lucky for us there is a handy man in our ward!  He took off the banister so we were able to get it through the door way then he hoisted up the whole couch by himself up to the second floor.  What a lifesaver!  Here is our fan club showing it off!  The pillows on the couch were also made by amazing mother. 
I love all of the natural light in this apartment.  We previously lived in a basement apartment so it was always so dark!  We also live across the street from the medical college/hospital so instead of having a building to look at we look across to a beautiful green lawn and trees from our front room.
To end, here is the front of our home.  We live in the upper left side of the home.  We are excited to finally be here and to start this new adventure!  If any of you are ever in Wisconsin or Chicago (it's only 1 hr. 15 min. from us!) please give us a call!  We'd love to have you over!


  1. I'm guessing that there is a low ceiling in the stair well? I was reading my sister-in law's blog and her husband was talking about helping a new med student family move in and he hit his head.... I'm assuming it was you guys. Was Kellen Hansen helping you move in? His wife is my husband's sister. Whitney.

  2. It really does look like a home! Good work! And we'll do our best to come visit you.

  3. That looks like where my brother and his wife lived years ago when they were in medical school in least from what I remember when I went to visit. Where exactly is it? I'll have to ask them. :)

  4. OH it looks GREAT. Much more HOMEY than mine does, I have YET to hang a picture on the wall and I've been here for 9 months. Aiyiyi.........

    So fun, I really LOVE the exteriors too, not bad at all.

    WELCOME HOME, eh? :)

  5. So cute! I love how you decorated it.

  6. lOVE! And love the outside of your apt. I am so happy to see you all settled in! I can't wait to visit! :)

  7. How cute! What a fun stage of life, hope you're loving Wisconsin! :)

    P.S. We're coming to IL for Christmas and will most definitely be visiting Chicago...I see some potential...;)

  8. Gosh! You made it adorable! So happy you're here!

  9. Congrats on getting all settled in; it looks great!! And yes, do NOT hang anything above your heads with command strips. I had a picture frame hanging on one fall off my wall after a few months recently.

  10. Yay, Emily! I love it! It looks beautiful! You and your mom did such a good job... I can't believe you're already finished settling in! I feel like David and I took a month before every box was finished being unpacked...

  11. You guys did a great job. Everything looks fabulous!

  12. So cute! I love your apartment. If we're ever in the area we'll be sure to stop by.
