Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pretty sure...

that if I polled everyone in America, that 98% would KNOW that Little Caesar's pizza is Hot 'n Ready for only $5.   I feel so awful for these poor advertisers that stand out on the street corner to only tell people something they already know. (Yes, I am aware that this sign says 5.55 but it was hard to find one of what I'm talking about.  Sorry!)

Pizza Pizza!


  1. What??? They sell pizza's for $5???? HA, HA, yep, I did know that!!!! ;)

  2. way funny! I AGREE!!!!!!! and to be honest, I would have 5 buck pizza every week if my husband would let me, I LOVE it a little too much!

  3. haha So true!!! But I think more like 99.9% of people know. Maybe theyre trying to help the economy, you know those people on the side of the road get a pretty sweet paycheck!

  4. What I want to know is which Little Caesars is charging the extra .55???? rip off!

  5. ha ha ha. Yeah, really, where do they charge 5.55?

  6. Hear hear!! It's been what, at least 6 years that they've had this special???

  7. I bet the 5.55 Pizza is a little better quality... I guess I'd try it at least once :)
