Sunday, February 15, 2009

It Will Grow Back, Right?!??

So here it is! I finally cut it after all of these years. And the verdict? I hate it. It probably is because I have no idea how to do short hair. And with this particular style I feel like it is the kind that has to be 'done' every day. Which is hard for me. I am used to pulling it back into a cute pony about every other day. It is very weird for me to brush my hair or shampoo it and realize more than half of it is gone. So, if you have styling tips now on how to do short hair, now is the time to share them!!

I cut off a whole 10 inches and was able to donate it to Locks of Love, so at least my tears of sadness can be tears of joy to some cute girl who can now 'have hair' again. Anyway, it will grow back right? I hear pre-natal vitamins help your hair grow faster. Any other tips on that? Thanks! Feel free to comment about how beautiful it is to boost my confidence ;)


  1. EMILY!!! I LOVE IT!!! It's so flattering to your beautiful face. No worries, it does take a while to get used to. I recently got my hair cut somewhat like yours, and I didn't like it much either. But now I love it. I found that a roller brush gives it some volume and you don't have to do too much with it to make look good.

    You are beautiful, give it a few days and just have fun with the change. Experiment! Don't give up hope yet.

    Love you!

  2. I take prenatals for that very reason and I think it's helped a lot. My hair has grown a lot faster than usual. but I think your hair is adorable!

  3. As Brent says, every woman between the ages of 18-45 should be taking prenatals anyway. But, your hair is so cute! You'll get used to it. I chopped off 12 inches just last year, and then I grow it our again. I do that every few years. It is totally still long enough to put in a pony. You're so brave. I can't wait to see it in person.

  4. I don't get why you hate you hair? It looks adorable. You can do it wavy curly with a curling iron...that's always super cute!

  5. emily you are so cute. personally, i would not take prenatals since you don't need to take them before you get pregnant, and they do not work for hair growth, tried that! haha. i think your hair looks great! i cut my hair that length and did not love it on me, so i cut it even shorter and now i love it. so, since you already cut lots off, i would cut even more off! but either way you are always good looking

  6. I love it Em...and I'm totally not lying to boost your confidence. It looks much thicker and it looks SO healthy!! I also think you look older, in a good way, not an old lady way!! Also, that is awesome that you were able to give someone hair!!!

  7. i think it looks beautiful, but i won't pretend that i like taking care of hair. i'm sorry that you feel the same way. :(

  8. I think it's great Em! I don't think I could cut mine like that right now, so bravo!

  9. I dont think it looks bad, however I know this is going to be shocking but I think you should go a little shorter :) You are having a hard time styling it because its in an awkward stage of length..I know... Im a professional haha But its still cute!

  10. It really is cute. I think maybe you'll get used to it...or not?

  11. I think you look adorable! If you need styling tips for short hair just let me know...I'm willing to divulge all my "secrets" haha! It really is super cute!

  12. It is really SOOOOOO cute, honestly. You'll learn to love it, I haven't had 10 inches of hair since the 6th grade!!!! :)

  13. I concurr with Amy, I think its super cute but I think that length right at the shoulders is really awkward to style, go an inch or two shorter and just straighten the ends down, it will look super sassy that way! I like the short look on you!! You should also do some really simple layers, nothing drastic but just to give it more body. Hott, hott! Oh and I dunno about prenatals, they are supposed to help with that stuff but they made me super nauseated so I wouldn't advise them... If you do, take them at night. But one for sure way to help out hair growth is getting pregnant! ha ha

  14. I can't believe you cut off 10 inches and still had that much left over! And it really is cute btw!

  15. oh me heck, you look GREAT!!! seriously, you wear it well. But i'm with Jess, maybe just cut some more to see if you like it. about prenatals, I don't know if it would help or not but they wouldn't hurt. Prenatal vitamins are so good for you. many woman take them, pregnant or not. I recommend them to any woman!!! They are not expensive and if you plan on having a child in the next few, just start taking them anyway.

  16. I think it's super cute!

  17. I think it's gorgeous! Seriously...think of all the time you've saved having to blow dry. which is why I intend to butch my hair very soon. Ok- so maybe not Butch butch...but short! Seriously, I love it!

  18. Very cute hair, Emily! (You need to take prenatals, but it won't help with the hair growth. I always wanted thick hair, I only got it when I was pregnant.) Did the stylist show you how to do your hair? I think you did it very cute for Sunday dinner.

  19. I think it's funny that usually shortly after girls get married they end up cutting off their hair. I wonder why. I love it. I think you can do a lot with short hair. And hey, it looks long enough to still pull it back into a cute little ponytail.

  20. i love the shortie hair.
    i cut mine too.

    love you lib.

  21. I think it's way cute! I just did the same thing, but mine wasn't quite long enough to donate :(.

  22. This is Janae's friend Nicole...please don't be creeped out!
    But I think you're hair looks so cute like that! I've been wanting to cut mine and you might be the inspiration.
